99!!! Can you believe it?! My grandmother is 99 years old. I can only DREAM of living that long! I probably won't make it because of my lack of exercise, use of pesticides in our food, living in Provo, UT with the pollution of Geneva Steel, living in London and having black boogers--that can't be good, or living in Mexico City and all the pollution there. I think I need to do some research on what the cleanest city is and try to earn some years back on my life that I have lost.
If I were to learn from my grandmother what the keys to living to 99 are:
SALT. Seriously. She piles on the salt AND butter.
Don't eat out.
Do your floor exercises everyday.
Read the newspaper.
Keep your brain active.
Be selfless.
Be a hostess of the Southern kind (She is from Kentucky).
I am constantly amazed at her memory. She can recite poems and tell stories like she is 16.
She was an English teacher for years at Washington Lee High School and even taught Warren Beatty and Shirley Maclaine. Whenever she reads about them in the newspaper she just says, "Oh, Warren." She's almost famous.
We lived with her and my grandfather for about 1 1/2 years (before and after Mexico). She is an avid reader, and keeps up really well with current events, even though she has never used the internet and keeps all of her cool whip and country crock butter containers. One of my favorite questions that she asked us after reading the newspaper was, "What does "Dubya" mean?" After having a good laugh we told her that it was talking about George W. Bush.
What takes the cake? She still lives in her own house, and even took care of my grandfather until he passed away in May. She is COMPLETELY with it, minus some hearing. We love her, and my kids ADORE her (as she does them).
Hey Julie,
Just wanted to say thanks so much for coming to the baby shower and for the super thoughtful (and PRACTICAL!!!) gifts - it was great to see you - you are so cute and generous! Hope your pregnancy continues to go well, and I'm sure we'll see you around!
My grandma just turned 90 and she's still in amazing health. Like you, I can only hope to accomplish as much as she has during her lifetime. :)
Julie Pooder...I love your insight on life and the people you love. It's almost infectious. I can see some of you in your grandma...I see you being that self-sufficient when you are older:)
How neat is that! Wow to be almost 100! You've got some good genes! :)
She is a wonder. The people I've known who've made it to 100 are not even close to as healthy and with it. Very sweet.
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