We had our annual New Year's Eve bash at (my bro) Craig and Jodi's. The theme this year was American because Craig, being the kid that he is bought a cotton candy machine. Seriously. An industrial-size one. It is awesome. Maybe someday I will buy one because I LOVE cotton candy.
Here's the menu:
Homemade Root Beer
Hot Dogs, Brats
Corn Dogs
Hot fudge Sundaes (and homemade caramel, reeses pieces, and bananas)
Jackie's b-day cake
Funnel cake that never got cooked because we were too full.
It was a fun evening with Beatles Rock Band, talking, playing, food and the countdown to midnight with balloons falling from the sky (okay, ceiling).
Last year we set New Year's resolutions as a family. Our kids all accomplished theirs, but Sam and I were lacking (mine--learn to sew and improve my Spanish--umm, I sewed Boo's Halloween costume, does that count?).
Here are some new goals. Maybe if I post them I'll actually follow through:
Sew 3 things--including a dress
Exercise 3 times a week (seriously. I am only 6 months prego and I've gained 25 pounds. Awesome).
I of course have a long list of goals in different categories--Health, Spiritual, Relationships, but these are on the family goal list.