She finally took off walking just before we headed to SC!! Almost 16 months.
They're so lucky to have such cool Uncles. Thanks to Uncle J. so S and I could be in the ocean at the same time!!
We went to Charleston, SC a couple weeks ago for S.'s cousin, Molly's wedding. We arrived to town on Friday, went to the beach with Uncle J. and hung with the relatives that night. The next morning we woke up ready to go see Fort Sumter or some other interesting attraction when we received a phone call. Our babysitter's(from 3 days before) mother was on the phone. She said, "I feel it is my motherly obligation to tell you that my daughter has the SWINE FLU!!" She then proceeded to tell us that her daughter had gone to the doctor the day after she was at our house, thinking she had strep, but was informed that she had H1N1.
We told her our kids were fine, but that we would watch them. 20 minutes later, Little Man was acting lethargic. I felt his head and he was on FIRE. S. and I decided we wouldn't go to the wedding, but that we wouldn't freak everyone out and tell them our babysitter had swine flu. We got out the handy iphone and got on the CDC website. It said "studies have shown that people may be contagious from one day before they develop symptoms to up to 7 days after they get sick." Awww, crap. We left the bride's family home to drop off the flowers at the chapel with Grandpa M. in the car. On the way over, Little Man tossed his cookies. Doh. Now everyone knew. I was quite impressed with the mother of the bride. She showed no outer signs of panic, though I'm sure was cursing our names in her mind.
We took Little Man to an urgent care center where he fell asleep on me while waiting (never happens), was woken up to get a chest x-ray and a q-tip stuck up his nose. The results...NEGATIVE. Hallelujah! Could the timing have been ANY WORSE?!?!?
S and Boo enjoyed the beautiful ceremony while I napped at the hotel with Little Man and Nay. I wish Molly and Chris all the best in their life together. I'm glad they didn't start it off with having the swine flu.
Boo with {one} of her beautiful Aunt Mary{s}
We had a birthday celebration for Boo as well. Even with spending hours at the Urgent Care with her sick brother she said, "I think this is the best day ever" at the end of the day. What an optimistic child. I love her.
Look how miserable Little Man looks...